Caring for People Who Are Detained: A Zine

Download the zine here.
Version française ici.


Our current medical educational institutions do not sufficiently prepare or train frontline care providers to engage with the carceral state. The learning presented here represents the labour of the authors to develop critical patient-centred practices, the wisdom and insights shared from mentors, and the lived experience of those interacting with healthcare while in custody or detention.

We wanted to disseminate this learning so that other frontline care providers can build a professional ethic of care in interactions with law enforcement in their workplaces. This work has been reviewed by people in the community with lived experience of seeking health services while in custody or detention, and we are grateful that they have trusted us with their critical feedback.

The production of this zine has been made possible by the generous contributions of friends and colleagues who donated to our GoFundMe Fundraiser. We raised $3000 to support this website, printing of hard copy materials, shipping costs, and honoraria for folks with lived experience who generously reviewed the zine in its initial stages and provided art work.

Remember that if you would like a hard copy mailed to you, please contact us. Feel free to peruse the pages below as well. We hope this can inform your discussions and practice as a community member caring for folks who are incarcerated or detained.

Want a hard copy?

We have a limited number of free hard copies available to send to people and places where it is harder to access online resources or print materials.

We can also mail a hard copy zine to anywhere in Canada for $10 including shipping. To order a hard copy, please contact us.